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Borgonovo Pinuccio


He was born in Giussano (MI) on September 25th 1956.
Following his studies at the State Art Institute of Cantù, he acquired considerable experience with the Design Center of one of the main furnishing industries.
Here he acquired depth knowledge on the materials, their technological applications, the engineering aspects of the products and the problems associated with industrial design.
In 1987, he went free-lance and worked as a consultant for some leading furniture companies. From the collaboration with the Research and Development Centers and their designers, he created products of international success.
In 1992, he worked closely with another important company, designing a furniture collection based on innovative concepts that consent, among other things, the development of the first modular system to appear on the market with finished multi-purpose elements.
In 2001, he created a new home concept founded on a space where there is interaction of products characterized by an evident technical arrangement: a modular system, a collection of tables (commended for the Compasso d’Oro 2005), a program/system for closing and subdividing the space (doors, sliding and partition walls).
In addition to the design and the industrialization of the products, he is art director for some companies and responsible for the corporate image strategies.
  • Binario - Модульный диван

  • Biss -

  • Outdoor Fiocco

  • Тумбочки Foglio

  • Foglio

  • Столики Foglio

  • Мебель для дневной зоны Foglio

  • Тумбочки Juta

Castagna Massimo

Architect & Designer

Massimo Castagna was born in 1957. He graduated from the Milan Polytechnic in 1984 and two years later, in 1986, he founded the design studio AD Architettura. The studio's professional activities include residential and commercial architecture, refurbishment and conservative restoration, interior and product design.
He has worked with many of the leading interior design companies as art director, responsible for product philosophy and selection, design team management and corporate image.
One of his most important projects was the design for the high-altitude research laboratory 'Piramide' for the Everest-K2-CNR Scientific Committee, installed at an altitude of 5050 meters in Nepal in 1991 and selected for the 18th Triennale in Milan.
For the last ten years, he has lectured on subjects related to training furniture sales facilities on the Master course of Federmobile (the Italian Furniture Federation) at Polidesign of the Milan Polytechnic.
  • Softbench - Модульный диван

  • Столики Yari

Colombo Carlo

Architect & Designer

He was born in 1967 in Carimate (Co) and graduated in architecture from the Milan Polytech in 1993.
He then opened a professional studio that specializes in design.
Carlo Colombo has completed a number of restructuring programs for social buildings and private dwellings and has collaborated with a number of companies producing furnishings, illumination technology and accessories.
He has lectured in Industrial Packaging at the Faculty of Architecture, Milan Polytech where he is assistant lecturer in Furnishing department. He has held conferences in Industrial Design in Italy, Israel, Greece, Portugal, Solvenja, Ucraine, Australia and Great Britain.
His works have been displayed in museums of applied arts and galleries of contemporary art in Paris, Brema and Cologne.
  • Amal - Двуспальная кровать

  • Gentleman - Низкое изголовье - Двуспальная кровать

  • Gentleman - Высокое изголовье - Двуспальная кровать

  • Icon - Двуспальная кровать

  • Icon - Модульный диван

  • Koi - Двуспальная кровать

  • Majal - Двуспальная кровать

  • - Двуспальная кровать

  • Комоды Gentleman

Dordoni Rodolfo

Architect & Designer

Rodolfo Dordoni was born in Milan in 1954.
He graduated in architecture in 1979 and for the following ten years (until 1989) he was in charge of the art direction and the corporate image of Cappellini (his products include the system of storage containers 'Colombia', the chairs "Lipsia", the settee "Cuba").
He designs for a large number of furnishing companies such as Barovier & Toso, Moroso, Foscarini, Tisettanta, Artemide, Driade, Arteluce, Venini, Flos, Lema, Fontana Arte, Minotti, Molteni, Jab, Dornbracht, Sambonet, Rossana, Fiam.
Since 1995 he has designed a number of stores and showrooms for D&G / Dolce & Gabbana.
  • Angle - Со стеганым изголовьем-ширмой - Двуспальная кровать

  • Angle - Стеганое изголовье - Двуспальная кровать

  • Doze - Модульный диван

  • Iko - Двуспальная кровать

  • Merkurio - Двуспальная кровать

  • Merkurio - Односпальная кровать

  • Столики Angle

  • Письменные столы Iko

  • Комоды для рубашек Splendor

Emanuela Garbin e Mario Dell’Orto

Architect & Designer

The studio OPERA was founded in 1990.
Mario Dell’Orto, Emanuela Garbin, Enrico Cattaneo, founded the studio in order to combine their different professional experiences, matured in the same operational environment. The common denominator was the language affinity, which established the objectives geared to provide answers to the complex problems of the sector in a complete and specialist manner.
The studio is active in a number of areas that range from the operations to identify the development strategies, to the study of communication, industrial design, the plans or restructuring projects for showrooms and sales points.
For the companies, the consulting can include specific requirements or art direction in the more general sense, where it is possible to identify an organizational and synergetic route that can permit the coincidence of the various initiatives to provide better identification of the specific brand on the market.
In the area of design, the Studio has designed and continues to design models of the various product types. Armchairs, settees, furniture, beds and furnishing accessories that carry the name OPERA DESIGN have been accepted by prestigious companies and are now part of their production. Several models have also won prizes during exhibitions and competitions in both Italy and abroad.
For exhibitions and showrooms, the studio is responsible for the design and the restructuring programs, identifying the intervention strategies and defining the image and the communication. The project continues through a program of maintenance or growth of the sales point through initiatives, promotions and events.
The Studio therefore develops a synergetic activity produced by the interconnection between the individual operative specializations, and has the possibility of tackling with a much broader outlook the problems facing this sector in the light of the enormous transformation and mutation.
  • Mandarine Sommier

  • Olivier - Модульный диван

  • Тумбочки Ari

  • Комоды для рубашек Ari

  • Тумбочки GOLD:Condotti

Garbin Emanuela


Emanuela Garbin entered the world of design in 1990, when she founded the Studio Opera together with Mario Dell’Orto and Enrico Cattaneo.
Her interests range from business consulting and art-direction to the study of communication, from industrial design to the planning or restructuring projects for showrooms and stores.
In the area of project design, she has created models of the various product types: armchairs, settees, furniture, beds and furnishing accessories that have been accepted by prestigious Italian companies and are now part of their production. These models have also won prizes during exhibitions and competitions both in Italy and abroad.
Her design and restructuring activities – which favour exhibitions and showrooms – place special emphasis on defining the global intervention strategies and an ongoing project to define the image and the communication aimed at retailers’ growth through initiatives, promotions and events.
A synergetic activity between the individual specializations, it meets the demands of a constantly evolving market, with a broad and complete outlook.
  • Baia - Двуспальная кровать

  • Myplace - Модульный диван

  • Myplace - Двуспальная кровать

  • Тумбочки Lotus

  • Столики Victoria

  • Столики Victoria

Giovanetti Riccardo

Architect & Designer

He was born in Milan in 1967.
In 1992, he graduated in Industrial Design from the Faculty of Architecture of the Milan Polytech.
He designs furnishing articles, lamps with Candle, Firme by Vetro and Fontana Arte, electrical appliances for Whirlpool, flooring for Hasetora, Forbo, Tarkett, Hi-Fi systems for Pioneer.
He is art director for a number of companies associated with the production of furnishing materials.
His professional activity includes the design of layouts for public areas and museums, such as the Milan Triennial, ID Forumin Copenhagen, Ozone Design Center in Tokyo, Musèe des Arts Dècoratifs in Paris.
He lectures at the Superior Institute of Architecture and Design in Milan.
  • Céline - Кресло

  • Céline -

Lanzi Luigi

Architect & Designer

He was born in Bologna in 1950 where he currently lives and works.
During the Seventies, he took an interest in furnishings and at 22 years of age, he inaugurated the first furniture, lighting and accessories showroom in his home town, distributing products manufactured by the top companies in the sector. In the wake of this success, in the Eighties, he opened another three showrooms. These were subsequently joined by a prestigious art gallery in which he organized exhibitions, events and performances for the works of leading artists and designers on the international scenario.
From the early Nineties, he concentrated on the restructuring of showrooms of famous brands in the sectors of clothing, leather goods and accessories. In parallel to this activity, he was responsible for the interior design of homes belonging to famous personalities of the show-business, sport and culture sectors.
During that time, he began his activity in the design world, creating for companies such as Via Bizzuno and 120% Lino.
Since 2002, he has been actively involved in the definition of the home collection Vestire Flou, and has been responsible for the layout and the coordinated corporate image of the exclusive Flou stores in Italy and abroad.
  • Столики Lucky

  • Предметы декора Servomuto

Leung Steve

Architect & Designer

Стив Леунг родился в Гонконге. Он архитектор, дизайнер интерьера и дизайнер продукта с мировым именем.
В 2015 году он получил престижную премию Andrew Martin International Interior Designer of The Year Award, которая повсеместно считается «оскаром в мире дизайна».
Его работы отличаются ярко выраженной индивидуальностью, которая исходит из азиатского искусства и азиатской культуры, переосмысленных в современном ключе.
Леунг основал Steve Leung Design Group (SEHK: 2262), первую студию дизайнa интерьера в мире, которая была аккредитована четыре раза (с 2016 по 2020) Interior Design Top 100 Giants и вошла в двадцатку лучших студий по общему рейтингу 2020 года.
Группа, являющаяся одной из крупнейших в Азии в области дизайна, сотрудничает с более чем 500 дизайнерами и имеет главные офисы в Гонконге и Шанхае и филиалы в Пекине и Гуанчжоу.
В группу также входит двенадцать брендов, предлагающих дизайнерские услуги и индивидуальные проекты в более чем 100 городах мира.
Кроме того, Стив Леунг активно занимается обучением и продвижением промышленного дизайна. В двухлетии 2017-2019 он был президентом Международной Федерации Архитекторов/Дизайнеров интерьера (IFI), первым китайцем, получившим эту должность. Он также является исполнительным директором Комитета по дизайну Китайской национальной ассоциации оформления интерьера (CIDA) и входит в совет директоров Гонконгского центра дизайна.
В 2014 году вместе с избранной группой дизайнеров интерьера из материкового Китая, Гонконга и Тайваня он создал организацию «C Foundation», целью которой является содействие развитию индустрии дизайна.
  • Полукресла Lilia

Magistretti Vico

Architect, Designer & Urban planner

Vico Magistretti’s work and research have influenced and marked the history of Italian design, of which he is an indisputable protagonist.
He was born on October 6th 1920 in Milan; he graduated in architecture in 1945 and then joined his father’s architecture studio. In 1948, he started taking part in the first editions of the Milan Triennial. In 1956, he was a founder member of ADI, the Association of Industrial Design. In 1967, he became a member of the prestigious St. Luke’s Academy in Rome.He won numerous prizes and commendations, including the Gold Medal at the IX Triennial (1951), the Grand Prix at the X Triennial (1954), two Compassi d'Oro (respectively in 1967 and 1979), the Gold Medal presented by S.I.A.D. Society of Industrial Artists & Designers (1986), the Compasso d'oro for his career (1995), two Gold and Silver Medals at the Wiener Möbelsalons International (1970), the Golden chair at Möbelmesse Köln (1982), the Apostolo Gold Medal presented by Design Milano (1997).
He was tireless in his research into the culture of design and his innovative experimentation into materials and technology (plastic and its derivatives), spatial solutions (the subject of stackable and transportable articles) and innovative shapes and functions, distant from the restrictions of fashion that have greatly conditioned the last sixty years. His creations have been displayed in all the major design exhibitions in Italy, across Europe, USA and Japan and are included in the permanent collections of the world’s most important museums: twelve creations are included in the permanent collection of MOMA in New York. He was an honorary member at the London Royal College of Art in London, where he was also Honorary Visiting Professor and he was a member of the Royal Scottish Incorporation of Architects, he lectured at the Domus Academy in Milan and held conferences in Milan, Venice, Rome, London, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Aspen, Tokyo and Sao Paulo.
He has designed for the most important Italian and international brands and holds the record for the greatest number of beds designed for a single company: Flou.
"The most important pieces that I have designed, irrespective of their commercial success, are those that have made a contribution to the history of the companies I designed for. I am delighted that some items, such as the bed Nathalie, are still in production 20 or 30 years down the line".
We will use this quotation to terminate the brief history of the Great Maestro who died in Milan on September 19th 2006, at the age of 86 years.
  • Nathalie - Односпальная кровать

  • Nathalie - Двуспальная кровать

  • Tadao - Двуспальная кровать

  • Tadao - Односпальная кровать

Manzoni Giulio

Architect & Designer

Giulio Manzoni was born in 1952; following his graduation in Architecture in 1976 from the Milan Polytech, he worked at the Universities of Milan and Pavia, in the Comprensorio 8 (8th District) of Como, the Intercomunale, a cross-city initiative in Pordenone and in Casino, Campione d'Italia. He has presented works at the Venice Biennial of Architecture, he holds several Italian and European invention patents, including patents for the first storage bed 'Magico' and the bed-cum-desk “Riletto”; he won the 'Leonardo' award presented by Milan's Museum of Science and Technology; his bed 'Ercolino' won the prize 'Design Award Professional".
Throughout his career, he has worked with the top Italian furniture and design companies, with special attention focused on polyfunctional products and the new technological developments.
  • PiazzaDuomo -

Moschetti Gino

Джино Москетти родился в Катании в 1967 году.
После окончания Института Марангони в Милане и специализации в Академии Домус он начал свою карьеру дизайнера, в которой работал в различных областях: от одежды из кожи до пляжной и спортивной одежды, от дизайна интерьеров до дизайна тканей и издания трендбуков, посвященных total look для мужчин и женщин.
С 2001 по 2004 год он сотрудничал с Институтом IED в Милане в качестве преподавателя дизайна женских коллекций и технического рисунка, а в 2009 году создал проект "Accademia Italiana", бренд спортивной одежды высокого класса для мужчин/женщин.
В 2019 году он основал компанию GMos, чтобы посвятить себя интерьерному текстилю и консалтингу в качестве арт-директора для интерьерных, тканевых и швейных компаний.

Nunziati Matteo

Architect & Designer

Matteo Nunziati opened his studio in Milan in 2000. Studio Nunziati is specialized in interior architecture and design and collaborates with many important companies in the design fields of furniture, illumination and accessories.
Matteo Nunziati has won a number of prestigious awards including the recent Good Design Award 2011 Chicago USA, Wallpaper Design Award 2011 UK Regno Unito???, Cityscape Award 2013 Saudi Arabia.
The studio is specialized in the design of luxury, wellness centers, SPAs and residential properties.
This genial architect has completed projects (with many others work-in-progress) in Italy, Switzerland, Poland, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, The Maldives, China.
He has also planned exhibitions, events and tradeshow layouts.
Since 2004 to the present day, he has lectured in a number of Institutes and Design Schools; he directed the short ‘Hotel Design’ course with Domus Academy; he is the Project Leader, again with the Domus Academy, of the Master in Interior Design (in 2005 and 2006); he works with the Department of Industrial Design/Graduate Institute of Innovation and Design, National Taipei University of Technology in Taipei, Taiwan.
In 2005, he worked at the Art School – Milan’s IDI Interior Design Institute.
In 2006, he took part in the exhibition “50+2y Italian design” in the National Art Museum of China in Beijing, selected as one of the most representative architects of international design between 1954 and 2006.
Also in 2006, he traveled to Shenzen in China to take part in the event “Brand and Designers China Initiative 2006”, a series of conferences organized in the Shenzen Sphinx Culture and Communication, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shenzen Sub-council (CCPIT) and the Shenzen Media Group.
From 2007, he has organized events as part of the trade shows “Abitare il Tempo” in Verona (Italy), “Mipim” Cannes (France), “Cityscape” (Dubai), “The Milan International Furniture Salon’ (Italy).
Since 2007, he has been lecturing on the course “Interior Design for Hotels” at the Domus Academy in Milan, in collaboration with the “University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins”.
In 2011, he presented “The way of work of an Italian leading design office” at the “Tshinghua University Shenzhen” in China in collaboration with the Domus Academy of Milan, Italy.
In 2008, as a design expert, he was invited to take part in a series of international conferences in important events such as: “MIPIM” Cannes – France, “Eire” Milan-Italy, “European SPA Summit” Paris-France, “Sia Guest” Rimini-Italy.
From 2009 to the present day he has taken part in a number of high-end conferences organized by “Federlegno Arredo” in collaboration with ICE (Foreign Trade Institute) and with the Italian Government as a representative of Italian design across the world (Qatar, The Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Latvia, Estonia, Switzerland, etc.).
Images and descriptions of his projects have been published in many of the most important Italian and international design journals.
  • Gaudí - Двуспальная кровать

  • Gaudí - Диван

  • - Односпальная кровать

  • New Bond - Двуспальная кровать

  • Тумбочки Gaudí

  • Столики Gaudí

  • Кресло Gaudí

  • Outdoor Gaudí

  • Outdoor Gaudí

  • Outdoor Gaudí

  • Outdoor Gaudí

  • Кресло Gaudí

  • Tables Gaudí

  • Банкетки Gaudí

  • Пуфы Moon

  • Банкетки New Bond

Prato Vittorio

Architect & Designer

Vittorio Prato was born in Desio in 1946 and by 1965 he was working with other designers in the areas of design and interior architecture.
Following eight years at the Cesare Cassina Center as design director, in 1972 he was appointed director for the Research and Development Center of B&B Italia.
Since 1976, he has worked as a designer and consultant for a number of companies. He designed new mechanical workshop accessories for Beta Utensili; for Idea, he created a new ergonomic armchair for dental surgeries; for Vaghi, he produced the first office chair base in thermo-plastic filled packed with micro-fiber; for Flou, he invented a highly innovative bed program.
The bed Chassis, designed for Interflex, was highly recommended at the 13th edition Compasso d'Oro (1984).
In the field of design and consultancy, he has worked with Studio Arch. Paolo Tilche-Artform, Cassina, Joint, Maisa, Minotti Italia, Potocco-Accademia, Former, Coopsette, Vibieffe, Valdichienti and for the Japanese company Kosuga. For Lema-Sorgente dei Mobili, in addition to his position as consultant, he has designed furnishing systems. During the Nineties, Besana Mobili produced one of his modular systems of totally innovative conception and for Meritalia, in addition to the design of numerous models for the contract sector, he has been responsible for the general design concepts.
  • Notturno - Односпальная кровать

  • Notturno - Двуспальная кровать

Studio Contromano

Architect & Designer

Стефания Криппа и Марко Готтарди основали Студию Contromano в 2014 году после получения Магистерского диплома по промышленному дизайну в Миланском Политехническом Институте – Стефания в 2005 году, а Марко в 2010 году.
Они познакомились, когда работали вместе в Студии Lissoni & Partners в Милане. Это был важный образовательный опыт, который им позволил усовершенствовать свои дизайнерские навыки и сотрудничать с некоторыми из наиболее важных компаний мебельного сектора в разработке изделий, аксессуаров и выставочных стендов.
Студия Contromano – это контейнер идей для индивидуальных и групповых профессиональных опытов, руководимых общим принципом эстетического баланса.
Это проект в постоянном развитии в поисках современного и оригинального языка, который сочетает эстетическую утонченность, поиск новых вариантов отделки и необычных цветовых комбинаций с требованиями промышленного производства.
  • Пуфы Pierre

  • Столики Pierre

  • Outdoor Pierre

  • Outdoor Pierre

  • Полукресла Pierre

  • Пуфы Pierre

  • Outdoor Pierre

  • Полукресла Pierre Shell

  • Outdoor Pierre Shell

the Touch Studio

Touch Studio, основанная Тимоти Балдаччи и Вероникой Вергари, представляет собой многопрофильную дизайнерскую студию, которая находится в Амстердаме. Вероника и Тимоти познакомились во время учебы в IED в Милане и приобрели международный опыт, работая в студии Марселя Вандера в Амстердаме. Вероника продолжает свою карьеру, занимаясь жилыми и гостиничными проектами класса люкс в бюро Nicemakers. Тимоти присоединяется к Sinot, развивая свою страсть к мореходству и суперъяхтам. Они снова встречаются и основывают бюро Touch Studio, миссия которого — генерировать эмоции и создавать уникальные впечатления, оставляя в каждом проекте след, небольшое количество отличительных деталей, рассказывающих историю.
  • Madame Butterfly - Диван

  • Кресло Madame Butterfly

Viscardi Ilenia

Architect & Designer

Илениа Вискарди, родившаяся в Брианце, в самом сердце одного из основных мебельных кластеров Италии, сразу же проявила явный интерес к миру дизайна и архитектуры, унаследовав от семейного бизнеса глубокие знания традиций дерева и искусства столярных работ.
После окончания Миланского политехнического института она начала сотрудничать со всемирно известными архитектурными бюро по крупномасштабным проектам в качестве главного архитектора интерьеров.
Она работает в Италии и за рубежом - в основном в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Бухаресте, Астане, Алмаате, Дубае и Лондоне - над проектами роскошных резиденций, коммерческих помещений, отелей и жилых домов.
В области дизайна продукции разрабатывает изделия как для ведущих брендов в этом секторе, так и на заказ, с учетом индивидуальных потребностей клиентов.
Она также сотрудничает с различными компаниями в качестве стилиста и арт-директора, проектируя и управляя оформлением, выставочными площадями и шоу-румами.
С тщательностью и аккуратностью заниматься каждым проектом, уделяя одинаковое внимание как архитектурным, так и декоративным аспектам и рассматривая каждую деталь как возможный и ценный источник вдохновения, чтобы создавать среду и сценографии, от которых клиент получает полное удовлетворение.
  • Flora - Диван

  • Кресло Flora

  • Outdoor Flora

  • Столики Quartetto